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MLA 9 Changes

The most significant change from MLA 8 to MLA 9 is that MLA 9 re-includes the https:// at the beginning of URLs.

We recommend including the https:// in URLs even if you have not required your class to move to MLA 9.

Website / Image from Website

With Author


Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Page in Quotes." Title of Website in Italics, Publication date, URL. 


Shiva, Vandana. "Bioethics: A Third World Issue." Native Web, 2 Dec. 2015, https://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/shiva.html.

In-text citation (Author's last name):


No Author


"Title of Page in Quotes." Title of Website in Italics, Publication date, URL. 


"Bioethics: A Third World Issue." Native Web, 2 Dec. 2015, https://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/shiva.html.

In-text citation ("First words of title in quotes"):


No Date


"Title of Page in Quotes." Title of Website in Italics, URL. Access date.


"Bioethics: A Third World Issue." Native Web, https://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/shiva.html. Accessed 24 Feb. 2018.

In-text citation ("First words of title in quotes"):


Article from a Database


Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Article in Quotes." Journal/Magazine/Newspaper/Source Title in Italics, volume if available, issue number if available, Publication date, Pages if available. Database Name in Italics, URL.


Guarzano, Katherine. "The Power of One: Citizen Suits in the Fight Against Global Warming." Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, vol. 4, issue 5, 14 Mar. 2015, Proquest, https://www.bcealr.com/powerofone.html.

In-text citation (Author's last name space page number):

(Guarzano 146).

NOTE: If page numbers are not available for the in-text citation, do not include them. For example: (Guarzano). 


Youtube, Films on Demand


Author's Last name, First name. "Video Title in Quotes." Title of Website in Italics, uploaded by Username (if applicable),  Date uploaded, URL. 


CineFix. "Elf Recut as a Thriller." Youtube, uploaded by CineFix, 24 Dec. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkwdYSn3Uws.

In-text citation (Author's last name):



1 Author


Author's Last name, First name. Book Title in Italics. Publisher, Publication year.


Wood, James. How Fiction Works. Farrar, 2008. 

In-text citation (Author's last name space page number):

(Wood 47)

Author Wood comma James period Book Title How Fiction Works in italics period space Publisher Farrar comma space Year Published 2008 period

2 Authors


Author's Last name, First name and second author's First name Last name. Book Title in Italics. Publisher, Publication year.


Wood, James and Patrick Swayze. How Fiction Works. Farrar, 2008. 

In-text citation (Author's last name and Author's last name space page number):

(Wood and Swayze 47)

Authors Wood comma James and Patrick Swayze period space Title in italics How Fiction Works period space Publisher Farrar comma space Year Publihsed 2008 period

3 or More Authors


Author's Last name, First name, et al. Book Title in Italics. Publisher, Publication year.


Wood, James, et al. How Fiction Works. Farrar, 2008. 

In-text citation: (Author's last name et al. space page number):

(Wood et al. 47)

Authors Wood comma James comma et al period space Title in italics How Fiction Works period space Publisher Farrar comma space Year Published 2008 period

Essay, Story, or Poem in a Collection or Anthology


Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Essay/Story/Poem in Quotes." Book Title in Italics, edited by First name Last name, Publisher, Publication year, Pages. 


Dewar, James. "The Cultural Consequences of Printing and the Internet." Agent of Change: Print Culture Studies After Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, edited by Sabrina Alcorn, University of Massachusetts Press, 2017, pp 365-77. 

In-text citation (Author's last name space page number):

(Dewar 365)

Author Dewar comma James period space Story or Article Title open quotes The Cultural Consequences of Printing and the Internet period close quotes next line hanging indent Book Title in italics Agent of Change colon space Print Culture Studies After Elizabeth L period space Eisenstein comma next line hanging indent Editor edited by Sabrina Alcorn comma space Publisher University of Massachusetts Press comma Year 2017 comma space Pages pp period 365 dash 77 period

Volume in a Set


Author's Last name, First name. Book Title in Italics. Edition number, volume number. Publisher, Publication year.


Gilman, Frank. Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. 15th ed., vol. 4, Ferguson's, 2013.

In-text example (Author's last name space page number):

(Gilman 80)

NOTE: If the book only has an editor and not an author, add ", editor" to the author's first name. For example:

Gilman, Frank, editor. Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. 15th ed., vol. 4, Ferguson's, 2013.



Author's Last name, First name. eBook Title in Italics, Publication year. Website or Database Name in Italics, URL. 


Powell, Kerry. Women and Victorian Theatre, 1997. EBSCOHost. https://exproxy.cpcc.edu/login?url+http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlek&AN=3771

In-text citation (Author's last name space page number):

(Powell 73)

Personal Interview


Last name, First name of Interviewee. Personal Interview, Date.


Smith, Becky. Personal Interview. 1 Dec. 2011. 

In-text citation (Interviewee last name):


Interviewee Last Name, First Name Smith comma space Becky period space Personal Interview Personal space Interview period space Date of Interview 1 space Dec period space 2011 period

Social Media Post


@username. "Entire post." Title of Website in Italics, Date posted, Time posted, URL.


@persiankiwi. "We have a report of large street battles in east & west of Teheran now - #iranelection." Twitter, 23 June 2009, 11:15 a.m., https://twitter.com/persiankiwi/status/2298106072.

In-text citation (@username):


Email Message


Sender's Last name, First name. "Subject Line in Quotes." Received by First name, Last name, Date of email.


Boyle, Anthony T. "Re: Utopia." Received by Daniel J. Cahill, 21 June 1999.

In-text citation (Sender's last name):


Email author's Last Name, First Name Boyle comma space Anthony space T period space Title of Email open quote Re colon space Utopia period close quote space Received by First name, Last name Received space by space Daniel space J period space Cahill comma space Date of email 21 space June space 1999 period