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APA 7 Sample Papers for Download

APA 7 Guidelines for Formatting Papers

  • Page number on every page.
  • No running heads (title in header).
  • All pages are double spaced.
  • Include a Title Page. The paper's title should be centered, bold, and written in title case. It should be three or four lines below the top margin of the page. Then, include the following information in centered rows: First Name Last Name, School, Course, Instructor, and Date. There should be one double-spaced blank line between the paper's title and the author's name.  
  • Body Page has the paper's title in the first line, bold and centered. The body text follows, with indented paragraphs.
  • In-text citations are parenthesis (Author, Year) close parenthesis.
  • References page has References in bold, centered, at the top.
  • References in APA 7 format are listed in alphabetical order, each with a hanging indent.

APA Sample Paper Annotated Images

APA Sample References Page