Citation Generators are not guaranteed to be correct, even those in library databases.
ALWAYS check your citations for accuracy!
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For a more comprehensive list of citation formats, visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) or the APA Style References page.
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Date). Title of page in sentence case italics. Title of Website. URL
Cain, A., & Burris M. (1999, April 8). Investigation of the use of mobile phones while driving. Center for Urban Transport Research.
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Cain & Burris, 1999)
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (n.d.). Title of page in sentence case italics. Title of Website. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL
Cain, A. & Burris M. (n.d.). Investigation of the use of mobile phones while driving. Center for Urban Transport Research. Retrieved July 3, 2019, from
In-text citation (Author's last name, n.d.):
(Cain & Burris, n.d.)
Include a retrieval date if the publication date is unknown, and if the contents of the page are designed to change over time and the page itself is not archived.
Corporate Author or Website Publisher. (Year, Month Date). Title of article in sentence case italics. Title of Website (if applicable). URL
Center for Urban Transport Research. (1999, April). Investigation of the use of mobile phones while driving.
In-text citation (Corporate Author or Website Publisher, Year):
(Center for Urban Transport Research, 1999)
If a website was created by an organization rather than named individual authors, use the organization name in place of authors at the beginning of the citation.
When the author and the site name are the same, omit the site from the source element.
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Date). Title of journal/newspaper article in sentence case. Title of Journal/Newspaper in Italics, Volume number in italics(Issue number), Page number(s). DOI
Jungwirth, D., & Haluza, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence and public health: An exploratory study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 1-12.
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Jungwirth & Haluza, 2023)
For journal articles, use the Year for the publication date. For newspaper articles, use the Year, Month Date for the publication date.
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Date). Title of journal/newspaper article in sentence case. Title of Journal/Newspaper in Italics, Volume number in italics(Issue number), Page number(s).
Crappell, C. (2023). An interview with the smartest robot I know. The American Music Teacher, 72(5), 10-11.
Do not include a database URL in the citation.
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Crappell, 2023)
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Date). Title of video in sentence case and italics [Video]. Website. URL
Pulitzer Center. (2007, March 6). In focus: American teens, Rwandan truths. [Video]. Youtube.
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Pulitzer Center, 2007)
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Book title in sentence case italics (Edition number). Publisher.
O'Neil, S. K. (2013). Two nations indivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the road ahead (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year).
(O'Neil, 2013).
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of story/article/essay in sentence case. In Editor's Initial(s) Editor's Last name (Ed.), Title of anthology or collection in sentence case italics (pp. pages of story/article/essay). Publisher. (Original work published year if applicable)
Keller, H. (2008). I go adventuring. In P. Lopate (Ed.), Writing New York: A literary anthology (pp. 505-508). Library of America. (Original work published 1955)
In-text citation (Author's last name, Year).
(Keller, 1955/2008)
Author's Last name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Date). Presentation title in sentence case italics [PowerPoint slides]. Brightspace.
Devon, M. (2024, April 22). Technical writing 101 [PowerPoint slides]. Brightspace.
In-text Citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Devon, 2024)
NOTE: No personal communication (such as a personal interview) is included in your reference list. Instead, parenthetically cite the communicator's name, the phrase "personal communication," and the date of the communication in your main text only.
For example:
(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001)
A.P. Smith also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (personal communication, November 3, 2002)
Author's Last name, Initial(s) or Name of Group [@Username]. (Year, Month Date). Up to 20 words of tweet content in italics [Type of post]. Website. URL
Fey, T [@mstinafey]. (2015, February 6). Dear Car Companies, Please replace glove compartments with toaster ovens [Tweet]. Twitter.
In-text Citation (Author's last name, Year)
(Fey, 2015)
Note: Only the first 20 words of a longer tweet should be included.
Creator's Last name, Initial(s). (Year). Title of image in sentence case italics [Format]. Website Title. URL
Baumel, A. (2010). Cholera treatment center in Haiti [Photograph]. Doctors Without Borders.
In-text Citation (Author's last name, Year):
(Baumel, 2010)
Image type examples:
[Clip art]
Title of image in sentence case italics [Format]. (Year). Website Title. URL
Flu epidemic [Online image]. (1919). Doctors Without Borders.
In-text Citation (Title of image, Year):
(Flu epidemic, 1919)
Many images found on the Web fall under this category.
Try to locate the missing information by clicking on the image, and/or looking at the bottom of the image.
[Description of image]. (Date or n.d.). Website Title. URL
[Untitled illustration of a sleeping dog]. (n.d.). Imgur. http://www.sleepinganimals/pix.html
In-text Citation ([Description of image], Year):
([Untitled illustration of a sleeping dog], n.d.)