Why Did We Have a Keyboarding Contest ?
1. Technical Skills
One of the most important reasons for teaching keyboarding to students is to provide technical skills. Keyboarding has become a necessary skill for education and most careers...
2. Helps to Free Up Cognitive Energy
Another important reason for keyboarding for students is to help free up cognitive energy during typing-related tasks....
3. Improves Computer-Based Test Scores in Students
...Early and consistent exposure to keyboarding tools and practice has a notable impact on students’ performance and test scores in computer-based assessments...
4. Eases Frustration
Students without keyboarding skills who are required to type for a project can quickly become frustrated and disengaged. it is that a technical skill such as keyboarding doesn’t act as a barrier for entry in learning or completing an assignment.
5. Increases Confidence
Students who lack keyboarding skills can feel less confident in their schoolwork and education. ...[S}tudents may not be able to express their thoughts ...or may choose not to engage for fear of embarrassment or frustration. This can lead to lower confidence in learning ...
6. Supports Digital Equity
There are some students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to master keyboarding skills outside of school. [That is why] it important to provide the opportunity to learn keyboarding skills ...[Touchtyping] helps not only to provide more equal opportunities in the classroom, but also to open up more equal job opportunities in the future.
Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it.
Augmented reality is used to either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide additional information to users. The primary benefit of AR is that it manages to blend digital and three-dimensional (3D) components with an individual's perception of the real world. AR has a variety of uses, from helping in decision-making to entertainment.
DIRECTIONS: Scan the QR code with your smartphone camera.
On October 2nd, find these places on your campus.
DIRECTIONS: Stand in place where the scene is located. Click on the image to pen the augmented reality animation. Angle your camera to find the trigger.
The Parr Center Terrace The Parr Center Front
On October 2nd, find these places on your campus.
DIRECTIONS: Stand in place where the scene is located. Click on the image to pen the augmented reality animation. Angle your camera to find the trigger.
Merancas Grassy Knoll Merancas Library Front Steps