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2.0 Overview of the Central Piedmont Library & Collections

2.1 History of the collection  

The Central Piedmont Library has supported the curricula of the college since its beginnings in 1963. The library has  grown from 15,000 volumes to over 130,000 print book, e-book and audio-visual media, and 90+  electronic databases providing access to sources that offer thousands of full text magazine, newspaper  and journal articles, as well as specialized information and streaming instructional video. The library’s largest collection is housed in the Library on the Central Campus in uptown Charlotte. Suburban campus library collections provide resources specific to the programs offered on those campuses, as well as materials that support General Education and Middle College courses. 



Collection Locations  

The Central Piedmont Library has locations at the Central, Cato, Harper, Harris, Levine, and Merancas campuses. Additionally, the Central Piedmont Library supports e-learning students remotely through online resources and virtual reference services. All campus libraries have circulating materials to support general education as well as items specific to the programs housed on that campus.  Materials may be requested by anyone in the Central Piedmont community for pickup at any campus library location.

tronic resource access to support the Criminal Justice Technology, and Automotive Technology programs. 



Library Materials for Online Learning (Distance Education)

The Library supports online (distance/remote) learning with electronic books, databases, and streaming audiovisual  resources. When choosing electronic resources,  preference is given to subscribe to resources that provide both remote and on-campus access.