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*Personal Financial Literacy Resource Guide*

Chapter 9 Introduction

Planning a health insurance program needs careful study because the protection should be shaped to the needs of the individual or the family. However, the task is simplified for many families because a foundation for their coverage is already provided by group health insurance at work. We begin the chapter by recognizing the importance of health insurance in financial planning and define health insurance. Then we analyze the benefits and limitations of the various types of health insurance coverage. Private and governmental sources of health insurance and health care are presented next, with a complete coverage of health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Then, we discuss the importance of disability insurance in financial planning and identify its resources.  Finally, we explore why the costs of health insurance and health care have been increasing and what is being done to curtail them.

LO 9.1: Recognize the importance of health insurance in financial planning

LO 9.2: Analyze the costs and benefits of various types of health insurance coverage as well as major provisions in health insurance policies

LO 9.3: Assess the trade-offs of different health insurance plans

LO 9.4: Evaluate the differences among health care plans offered by private companies and by the government (General Info)

LO 9.4: Evaluate the differences among health care plans offered by private companies and by the government (Medicare)

LO 9.4: Evaluate the differences among health care plans offered by private companies and by the government (Medicaid)

LO 9.5: Explain the importance of disability income insurance in financial planning and identify its sources

LO 9.6: Explain why the costs of health insurance and health care have been increasing (Health Care Costs)

LO 9.6: Explain why the costs of health insurance and health care have been increasing (Staying Healthy)

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