You can use specific words (Boolean operators) and symbols to effectively get relative results in any search engine and database.
These two guides from other Universities provide helpful information if you are interested in learning more about different search strategies and techniques:
Use these keywords to find relevant sources for your global level research:
Topic Keywords AND Global
Topic Keywords AND Specific Country/Region
"Artificial Intelligence" AND Art AND Global
"Social Media" AND Asia
Use these keywords to find relevant sources for your national level research:
Topic Keywords AND ("United States" OR U.S.)
"Mental Health" AND Adolescents AND ("United States" OR U.S.)
Use these keywords to find relevant sources for your local level research:
Topic Keywords AND "North Carolina"
Topic Keywords AND "North Carolina" AND Charlotte
Topic Keywords AND "North Carolina" AND Mecklenburg
"Book Banning" AND "North Carolina"
Gentrification AND "North Carolina" AND Charlotte
Homelessness AND "North Carolina" AND Mecklenburg