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Start Your Research Here

This guide contains resources for ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry.

Start your research with tertiary and secondary sources to get a better understanding of your topic.

  • Tertiary sources, like encyclopedias, summarize or consolidate information on a topic or subject.
  • Secondary sources are books, periodicals, websites, etc. that analyze and interpret primary sources.
  • Primary sources are original sources and first-hand accounts from people who had a direct connection with an event or topic. Some examples include photographs, political cartoons, letters, diaries, interviews, oral histories, speeches, etc. To learn more about primary sources and how to use them, visit our Primary Sources guide.

Central Piedmont databases that contain primary, secondary, and tertiary sources are located below.

Research Databases

Social Issues Databases

General Databases


Additional Help

Step by Step Research Guide Citation Help Tutorials