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Accessibility & Digital Learning @ CPCC

Accessibility and Digital Learning at CPCC: An Employee Resource Guide

This page is a resource to help CPCC employees make their materials accessible. Much of this information applies to the information provided digitally and online (i.e. posted on a website, in Blackboard or Moodle, sent via e-mail). As technology and web accessibility continue to evolve, the information here will change, as well.

This page is intended for information sharing purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

What is Accessibility?

Making something accessible means considering the different ways people can access the product, service, or material. For example, someone who creates a video to demonstrate something considers that someone watching it may not be able hear the sound and includes captions so that the words can be read. They also consider that because someone may not be able see the video, instead of using phrases like, “Click this button here,” they describe the button as, “The save button in the lower right corner.”

It involves the person who is creating the material to be intentional about asking themselves:

  • “If one way of interpreting or accessing the information is missing or impaired, how can this product, service, or material be enhanced or modified so that the information and the way it is intended to be used can still be accessed in a way that is as equal or comparable as possible to someone else’s experience?”
  • “How can I create this this product, service, or material to consider different learning styles (auditory, kinesthetic, visual)?”

Both of these questions consider all users, not just people with disabilities.

The great thing about accessibility is that it has other benefits. Because the narrator of the video may use technical jargon, someone could turn on the captions to see the terms used to deepen their understanding. They could also use this to take better study notes.

What is the ADA?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. According to, it is designed to ensure “that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life -- to enjoy employment opportunities, to purchase goods and services, and to participate in State and local government programs and services.” This includes access to information available on websites and courses.

Related Links:

CPCC’s website includes policies that state its commitment to comply with the ADA:

According to, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) “enforces the ADA through complaints, lawsuits, consent decrees, settlement agreements, and alternate dispute resolution (mediation).” Someone who alleges that their rights have been violated can also pursue a lawsuit against an institution through a private attorney.

Disability Services (CPCC)

Web Accessibility Standards