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North Carolina Research at Central Piedmont Library

Local research on North Carolina issues can be challenging!

  • Newspaper databases have different content than Proquest.
  • The Charlotte Observer is not included in other databases and must be searched on its own.
  • Local TV News stations produce text and video media that can supplement paid content in databases.
  • Caution is required to separate out news reporting from advocacy when using Google as a search tool. 

These resources are useful for students taking ENG 112. 

ENG 112 research guide

North Carolina Databases

Primary Sources about North Carolina

Local News on Google

Search strategy should be: 


Quotation marks will ensure that North Carolina is the focus and not North Dakota or South Carolina.

Google search rules apply. Avoid .orgs. Check the credentials of the website you're using by looking their publisher up in Wikipedia. When in doubt, ask a librarian using the Chat Now features if your source is credible!