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Digital Literacy Learning Space Supplemental Resources

This is a collection of all resources provided to students during technology training sessions with the Digital Literacy Learning Space.

What It Takes to Make an Appointment

Roles: Student vs. Librarian


  • Make the appointment on your device(s)
  • Prepare for the training session (fill out the appointment online form, bring laptop to your session, bring passwords, etc.)
  • Get technology training services when you need help 
  • Be clear about what type of help you need
  • Participate in two-way communication (respond to emails and fill out schedule online form)


  • Update the appointment schedule 3-4 weeks in advance
  • Prepare for the training session (read and understand your appointment request, have solutions to your request)
  • Actively listen to the student to be clear about what they need 
  • Ensure there is two-way communication (obtain student's school email, send an email when appointments are missed) 

Time Management

When you make an appointment, you can only get access to your trainer when they are available. The trainer is not always training, they have other work responsibilities in the library, e.g., desk duty, meetings, committees, community service, and projects for the library. There can be a misperception that training is the only task librarians have to do during the day. We ask for a 24-hour space to prepare for your session. You are welcome to forward a question through email.

Library Desk and Telephone Requests to Make Appointments for Students.

The librarian has been instructed to help guide you to the library homepage link, to help you make the appointment at a computer or on your smartphone. This will help make the process work well for everyone.

QR code link to Technology Appointments

LINK: Make an Appointment - - LibCal -Central Piedmont Library

The images below are examples of what the online technology appointment form looks like on a smartphone. You must scroll down to see the entire form.

Phone example of what the appointments form looks like.