Use Central Piedmont Library's One-Search to search for books, ebooks, articles, news, and videos.
Best bets for your research.
This database provides discipline-specific coverage of engineering, spanning thousands of publications, many in full text.
Articles covering vocational education topics, such as building trades, automotive technology, and more.
Science articles on topics such as global warming, energy, robotics, genetically modified food, and more
Find documentaries and educational videos on many subjects. Includes Oscar, Emmy, and Peabody award-winning content.
Find articles from peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and newspapers on all subjects.
Provides access to journals and magazines that aid users in researching a vocation, finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. The database offers current and applicable content from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals.
Explore careers and best practices for job searching, take a career interest assessment.