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ACC 120: Principles of Financial Accounting

LO 9.1: Define, classify and explain the nature of long-lived assets

LO 9.2: Apply the cost principle to the acquisition of long-lived assets

LO 9.3: Apply various depreciation methods as economic benefits are used up over time

LO 9.4: Explain the effect of asset impairment on the financial statements

LO 9.5: Analyze the disposal of long-lived tangible assets

LO 9.6: Analyze the acquisition, use and disposal of long-lived intangible assets

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LO 9.7: Interpret the fixed asset turnover ratio

LO 9.8: Describe factors to consider when comparing companies' long lived assets

LO 9.S1: Analyze and report depletion of natural resources

LO 9.S2: Calculate changes in depreciation arising from changes in estimates or capitalized cost

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