Books are often requested to be banned from a specific collection or library by an individual user of that collection with the intent of protecting everyone from potentially challenging ideas and information contained in a specific book. Most issues concern topics included in children's literature. This is a form of censorship.
People started to ban books due to religion, then moved to politics, then to identity/gender targets, race, and other things. A lot of books were and still are banned due to personal family reasons while some are being taken away or prohibited due to debates in schools and community meetings. Most books that are considered to be banned are still around to this day. Everyone has the freedom to read. We may not all agree about what the books say about a certain person, action, or deed but books are never meant to be burned, censored, or thrown away. Books are there for knowledge and for the imagination to explore territories that the reader may or may not know about.
LeVar Burton LIVE in Conversation with Da’Taeveyon Daniels Actor, director, literacy advocate—and Banned Books Week 2023 Honorary Chair—LeVar Burton will discuss his anti-censorship work with Banned Books Week Youth Honorary Chair Da’Taeveyon Daniels during this rare live event, which will stream on Instagram. Follow @banned_books_week, and join us October 4, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. CDT! |