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This collection includes the experiences of approximately 500 women, spanning over 300 years, as revealed in over 100,000 pages of diaries and letters.
The database offers comprehensive coverage of issues that influence women’s lives across the globe, including civil rights, health, education, professional development, and entrepreneurship.
Through the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made, this collection lets you see how women’s social movements shaped much of the events and attitudes that have defined modern life.
An archival research resource comprising the backfiles of leading women's interest consumer magazines. Issues are scanned in high-resolution color and feature detailed article-level indexing. Coverage ranges from the late-19th century through to 2005 and these key primary sources permit the examination of the events, trends, and attitudes of this period. Among the research fields served by this material are gender studies, social history, economics/marketing, media, fashion, politics, and popular culture.